In a tragic incident, a 14-year-old student lost his life in a stabbing incident outside the Rajkiya Sarvodaya Bal Vidyalaya No. 2 (RSBV-2) in Shakarpur, Delhi, on January 3, 2025. The incident occurred during the dispersal of students after extra classes. According to the inquiry, a dispute between two students escalated into violence. The accused along with 3-4 accomplices, attacked the deceased outside the school gate. One of the assailants had stabbed the deceased in the right thigh.
Immediately, teams of Police Station Shakarpur, Anti Narcotics Squad and Special Staff were directed to nab the assailants. The police have apprehended seven suspects in connection with the incident and are investigating their roles and motives. The deceased's body has been preserved for post-mortem examination.
A 33-year-old man was arrested for allegedly murdering a 15-year-old boy in east Delhi's Anand Vihar after a quarrel with him. On Nov 19, the boy was walking with his 8-year-old nephew and another friend to attend a religious event at a nearby temple when the confrontation happened. It began on Nala Road, when the boy had a disagreement with the accused individual.
AAP supremo Arvind Kejriwal stepped up his attack on the BJP-led central government over the "deteriorating" law and order situation in Delhi and sought a meeting with Union Home Minister Amit Shah to discuss the issue. In a letter to Shah, the former Delhi chief minister claimed that the city was being called the country's "crime capital" as he cited the recent bomb threats to numerous schools as well as the IGI airport.
Crimes against women are rising, extortion gangs are active everywhere, drug mafia is spreading across the city and people are harassed by mobile phone and chain snatching incidents, he claimed.