Several labourers were feared dead at an iron-making factory after the chimney of the company collapsed in Sargaon, Mungeli Chhattisgarh on Thursday. Two workers were injured and they were admitted to a hospital. The sources said over 30 labourers were trapped under the chimney. The police and the local administrative officials were present at the spot.
Mungeli Collector Rahul Deo said the rescue operation is underway.
The incident occurred in the afternoon at the plant located in the Saragaon area of the district, Mungeli Superintendent of Police Bhojram Patel said.
As per preliminary information, the silo (Chimney like structure) – an iron structure used to store bulk materials – crashed, trapping under it some workers present at the site, he said.
After being alerted, police reached the spot and a rescue operation was launched, the official said.
Many more workers are reported to be trapped under the collapsed structure and efforts are being made to pull them out, the official added.