Suresh Chandrakar, the prime accused in the murder of Bastar journalist and YouTuber Mukesh Chandrakar was arrested by the Special Investigation Team (SIT) from Hyderabad, police said on Monday. He was absconding since January 3. He was rounded up by the SIT from Hyderabad last Sunday night. His brothers Ritesh Chandrakar and Dinesh Chandrakar and supervisor Mahendra Ramteke have already been arrested in the case.
Bastar journalist murder
Mukesh Chandrakar, 33, a Bastar-based journalist known for his fearless field reports, went missing on New Year’s Day. His body was discovered on January 3 in a septic tank. As per the initial reports, a news report highlighting alleged corruption in a road construction work in Bijapur could be the motive behind his murder as the construction work was linked to contractor Suresh Chandrakar.
Chhattisgarh government constituted a 11 Special Investigation Team to probe the incident. The administration had also initiated action against the accused's illegal properties and encroachments.
A construction yard built by Suresh Chandrakar after usurping forest land along Bijapur-Gangaloor Road was razed.
Mukesh Chandrakar was well known for his Naxal-related coverage. He had played a crucial role in the release of CoBRA commando Rakeshwar Singh Manhas from Maoist captivity in April 2021 following the Takalguda Naxal ambush in Bijapur in which 22 security personnel were martyred.
His death shook the administration and Deputy Chief Minister Vijay Sharma announced the setting up of a Special Investigation Team to probe the case. "His murder is a major dent in efforts to establish peace in Bastar region. The Chhattisgarh government has set up an 11-member SIT under IPS officer Mayank Gurjar, Bijapur Additional Superintendent of Police, to probe his murder. Police will submit a chargesheet in 3-4 weeks and will request the court for a speedy trial," Sharma informed.
Press Council seeks report from Chhattisgarh govt
The Press Council of India (PCI) on Saturday expressed concern over Mukesh's murder and sought a report from the state government. PCI Chairperson Justice Ranjana Prakash Desai took suo motu cognisance of the death of Mukesh Chandrakar in Bastar and called for a report on facts of the case from the state government, a PCI statement said.