Chhattisgarh Deputy Chief Minister Vijay Sharma on Saturday announced the formation of an SIT to probe the mysterious death of journalist Mukesh Chandrakar in Bijapur. The announcement came after the police arrested three individuals on Saturday in connection with the case. The Deputy CM also claimed the main accused was a Congress leader.
"Suresh Chandrakar is the main accused in the case. He is a Congress leader and office bearer of the party in Bijapur. Four police teams have been formed to nab him. The process to freeze his bank accounts and that of the other accused has begun. We have put on hold three accounts of Suresh Chandrakar," Sharma said.
He added that the administration also initiated action against the accused's illegal properties and encroachments, Sharma added. Deputy CM called Mukesh's death a dent in efforts to establish peace in the Naxal-affected region as he used to report from the interiors of such regions.
"His murder is a major dent in efforts to establish peace in Bastar Region. The Chhattisgarh government has set up an 11-member SIT under IPS officer Mayank Gurjar to probe his murder. Police will submit a chargesheet in 3-4 weeks and we will request the court for a speedy trial," Sharma informed.
Notably, Chandrakar (33), a freelance journalist, went missing on January 1, and his body was found on Friday in a septic tank on a property owned by civil contractor Suresh Chandrakar at Chattanpara Basti in Bijapur town, as per police.
While Suresh Chandrakar is absconding, his kin Ritesh Chandrakar and Dinesh Chandrakar have been arrested along with supervisor Mahendra Ramteke, the deputy CM told media.
(With inputs from agencies)