A day after eight jawans and one driver were killed in an IED explosion in Chhattisgarh's Bijapur, Chief Minister Vishnu Deo Sai on Tuesday visited Dantewada and paid tribute to the fallen soldiers. He laid flowers on their bodies and expressed deep condolences to the families of DRG jawans and a driver who lost their lives in the Kutru area of Bijapur district.
During his visit, CM Sai described the act as an attack on the values of democracy and peace. He also assured continued action against Naxalites. He said, "The sacrifice of the jawans will not go in vain. The campaign to eliminate Naxalites will continue."
Furthermore, he said that violence and terror will not be tolerated under any circumstances. reiterating his commitment, CM Sai said that the government is fully committed to establishing peace in the Bastar division and is determined to eradicate Naxalism from the state by March 2026.
At least 100 kg of improvised explosives were used to target the DRG vehicle. Providing details about the attack, Inspector General of Police (Bastar Range) Sundarraj P had said that the incident took place near Ambeli village under Kutru police station when the security personnel were returning in their Scorpio vehicle after an anti-Naxalite operation.
The attack took place at around 2:20 pm and the security forces initiated a search operation in the region thereafter. The attack is the biggest strike on security personnel by Naxalites in the last two years, an official said.