Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Monday launched Bima Sakhi Yojana in Panipat to empower women across the country. "We are committed to the empowerment of mothers, sisters and daughters across the country. In this series, I will get the opportunity to launch the Bima Sakhi Yojana in Panipat, Haryana at around 2 pm today. During this time, I will also lay the foundation stone and inaugurate many other projects," posted Prime Minister on X.
As part of the program, women will have the opportunity to become insurance agents (Bima Sakhi) and will receive financial support of up to Rs 7,000 per month. The prime objective of the Bima Sakhi Yojana is to provide rural women with job opportunities and financial assistance.
What is Bima Sakhi Yojana?
This is one of the prime schemes of Life Insurance Corporation (LIC) and is meant for women aged 18 to 70 years who are Class 10 pass out. They will first be given three years of training and their financial understanding will be increased and will be told how to understand the importance of insurance.
LIC Bima Sakhi Yojana: Check eligibility
- Only women candidates can apply for the Bima Sakhi scheme.
- The female candidates must have completed at least Class 10.
- They should be in the age group 18 and 70.
- After getting three years of training, they will become LIC agents and will not be regular employees of LIC and will not receive employee benefits.
- Selected candidates will have to meet annual performance targets to ensure the success of the scheme.
LIC Bima Sakhi Yojana: Check benefits
As part of the LIC Bima Sakhi Yojana, candidates after completing the three-year training program will work as LIC agents. However, they will not have the same benefits as regular employees of LIC.
LIC Bima Sakhi Yojana: How much money to earn?
Women taking part in the Bima Sakhi scheme will receive a stipend totalling over Rs 2 lahk during the three-year training period:
- First Year: Rs 7,000 per month
- Second Year: Rs 6,000 per month
- Third Year: Rs 5,000 per month
How to Apply for Bima Sakhi?
- First you need to visit the official LIC website at LIC India.
- On the home page, click on the “Click here for Bima Sakhi” option at the bottom of the page.
- On this page, you need to fill your details, including name, date of birth, mobile number, email ID, and address.
- If associated with any LIC Agent, Development Officer, Employee, or Medical Examiner, provide their details.
- Then, enter the captcha code and click the Submit button.