P Chidambaram- File photo
Former Union Finance Minister P Chidamabaram on Saturday said that the back series calculation of GDP has proved that the best years of economic growth were the UPA years 2004-2014.
Chidambaram went on to challenge the present Narendra Modi governmemt to match up the GDP rate during fifth year of UPA rule.
He pointed out that the UPA-I and UPA-II delivered the best ever decadal growth, adding 140 million people were lifted out of poverty during those years.
"Truth has triumphed. The back series calculation of GDP has proved that the best years of economic growth were the UPA years 2004-2014," Chidambaram said in a tweet.
"I wish the Modi government well in its fifth year. It can never catch up with UPA I, but I wish it catches up with UPA II," he added.
"The UPA governments delivered the best ever decadal growth and lifted 140 million out of poverty," he said in another tweet
Chidambaram thanked the people of India for giving the Congress-led UPA to serve them for 10 years.