Bihar’s Bhagalpur district is abuzz with controversy following a recent statement made by BJP MLA Engineer Shailendra, representing the Bihpur assembly constituency. The lawmaker’s comments, particularly regarding the Muslim community, have stirred a political storm and drawn widespread criticism.
While addressing a gathering in his constituency on Sunday, Shailendra openly stated that he would prefer to lose an election rather than accept votes from Muslims. “We stand firm on our statement. There’s nothing wrong with it. We don’t want Muslim votes,” the MLA declared, referring to his dissatisfaction with the Muslim community's voting patterns.
Shailendra further emphasised that despite his party’s work in the region, including providing transformers and road infrastructure over the past decade, the Muslim community had failed to support him with votes.
This controversial stance against Muslim voters has triggered a significant backlash from various political quarters. Shailendra’s comments were perceived by many as divisive and aimed at polarizing voters. The BJP MLA also aimed at the Rashtriya Janata Dal (RJD), claiming that the RJD was the only party that had received support from the Muslim community.
Shailendra did not stop there.
He also made a provocative statement regarding population control, suggesting that while Hindus have one child, Muslims tend to have larger families. He urged Muslims to implement population control measures, a comment that has sparked further outrage.
In addition, Shailendra voiced strong political ambitions for the 2025 Bihar Assembly elections. He claimed that the OBC and Hindu communities would lead the charge in defeating the opposition, specifically targeting the RJD. “In 2025, the NDA will form the government once again,” he asserted, signaling his confidence in the upcoming elections.
His remarks have drawn condemnation from political rivals, particularly from opposition parties, who accuse him of fueling communal tensions and divisiveness ahead of the crucial state elections. This latest controversy adds to the growing tension in Bihar's political landscape as parties prepare for the 2025 assembly elections.