Jan Suraj Party chief Prashant Kishor on Monday got unconditional bail, hours after he was sent to 14-day judicial custody. After getting released on bail, he held a press conference in which he said that the police had no documents to hold him in jail and then finally court took cognisance and granted him bail.
He said, " 2 hours ago, Bihar Police had taken me to Beur jail...court accepted my demand and granted me unconditional bail...there is no strength bigger than people strength...this is the effect of the protest we did for people...Prashant Kishor was detained and first I was given conditional bail as per Police but I rejected it and was ready to go to jail. Police took me to Beur jail but they had no documents to keep me there and by then court's final order came...court took cognisance of our demand and granted unconditional bail..."
The day saw a political upheaval in Patna as he was arrested from Gandhi Maidan during his fast-into-death demanding cancellation of the BPSC examination after the alleged paper leak. According to the police, Kishor and his supporters were removed from the protest site as the demonstration was being held near a restricted area, making it "illegal." Kishor was arrested on the fifth day of his protest.
Later in the day, he was granted bail but he refused to sign the surety bond due to which he was sent to 14-day judicial custody. He said, "I was taken to court and I was granted bail but, it is written in the order that I should not do any wrongdoings, so I rejected this bail order, I accepted to go to jail."
"From 5-11 am, I was made to sit in the police vehicle and kept taking me to different places. Nobody told me where I was being taken even though I asked them multiple times after 5 minutes, they took me to Fatwah's community centre and they wanted to conduct my medical test and get the certificate from doctors. I refused to give my consent because I did not do any criminal activity, I told the doctors this. The police tried to convince the doctors but they refused to give illegal certificate. they recorded my statement that I refused to give a medical test," the Jan Suraaj Party chief added.