Day after getting released on bail, the Patna Police on Tuesday booked Jan Suraj party chief Prashant Kishor in another case for creating a ruckus in the Patna civil court. The Patna police also booked his supporters in the case. The charges also include addressing the media while sitting in a police jeep.
Earlier today, Kishor was shifted to the ICU after his health deteriorated as he continued his fast-unto-death in solidarity with the students demanding the cancellation of the BPSC examination which was held on December 13. Kishor has been on a hunger strike since January 2.
On Monday, Kishor was arrested from the Gandhi Maidan in Patna where he was observing his hunger strike. According to a senior police officer, Kishor and his supporters were removed from the protest site as the demonstration was being held near a restricted area, making it "illegal."
He was later given conditional bail. However, Kishor refused to accept the conditional bail and refused to sign the surety bond. He was subsequently sent to 14-day judicial custody. Following this, the court granted him unconditional bail and he was released.
Regarding his health, Jaiprabha Medanta Hospital's Medical Director Dr. Ravi Shankar Singh said "It is difficult to say what will happen next, things can get complicated in the future. We are telling him to eat, but he is firm on his decision. Right now we are giving him nutrition and medicines through IV. Right now the condition is fine, but we are repeatedly telling him to eat food, so that our work can be easier. Test reports have come, after that we will also give two new medicines, if his health remains fine, then only we will take him out of the ICU. We are not talking about discharging him right now."