A statement by RJD supremo Lalu Yadav has sparked a ruckus in Bihar politics. Lalu has said that his doors are open for Chief Minister Nitish Kumar, and he can join him if he wants. At the same time, CM Nitish Kumar reacted to Lalu's statement and said, 'What are you saying, leave it.' JDU leader Vijay Chaudhary also retaliated to Lalu's statement and said that there is no confusion in our party, the stand of the party and the Chief Minister is clear that we are in NDA and will remain in NDA. At the same time, Lalu's son and former Deputy Chief Minister Tejashwi Yadav has shown a different stance from his father by targeting Nitish Kumar. However, the statement by the former CM only evokes a 'shrug' from Nitish Kumar.
What did Lalu Yadav say
RJD chief Lalu Prasad Yadav has offered Nitish Kumar to join him again on the occasion of New Year. Lalu Yadav has said that RJD's doors are open for Nitish Kumar. He also said that Nitish Kumar should also keep his doors open. Not only this, Lalu even said that Nitish Kumar may run away but the RJD has forgiven him. "It is my duty to forgive Nitish Kumar," he said.
Lalu's statement caused a stir
This statement of Lalu Yadav has created a stir in Bihar politics, because the RJD supremo is considered a big player in Bihar politics. This is the reason why the market of speculations has heated up after this offer of Lalu. Although Tejashwi Yadav has already said that the doors of RJD are closed for uncle Nitish, but Lalu's latest statement has once again intensified the political stir. When asked he said, "You keep asking him this, what else would he say? He said this just to calm you all down."
How Nitish Kumar reacted
When asked by reporters, Nitish Kumar said, "Kya bol rahen hain...Chodhiye na" (What are you saying, just leave it)
Situation of confusion in RJD
In the current political scenario, there is confusion in RJD about Nitish. On one hand, Lalu has offered Nitish Kumar to join hands, while on the other hand, Tejashwi is targeting him. Tejashwi has said that 2025 will prove to be a goodbye year for Nitish Kumar and a new government will be formed in Bihar in the new year. Describing Nitish Kumar as a tired leader, he said that 'He is Tired'. He said , "If you sow the seeds of one brand in the field for 20 years, the field will be ruined, so the time has come to sow a new seed of a new brand in the field."