RJD chief Lalu Yadav on Tuesday courted a controversy after he made a sexist remark at Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar’s Mahila Samwad Yatra. This remark came as Nitish Kumar announced plans to launch the Mahila Samwad Yatra, a state initiative aimed at directly engaging with women. Kumar's 'Mahila Samvad Yatra,' set to begin on December 15, aims to review the progress of the government’s 7-Resolves programme while engaging with women across the state to gauge their concerns and strengthen their participation in governance.
Soon after the statement, a political uproar was created. Deputy CM Samrat Chaudhary said, "Lalu Prasad's statement is extremely unfortunate. Bihar CM Nitish Kumar is going to have a conversation with the women of Bihar and the type of words Lalu Prasad has used, we knew that he is physically ill but now we can say that he is also mentally ill... He needs to be treated..."
Deputy CM Vijay Sinha also added, "Such language does not suit a person sitting on a constitutional position. These people have defamed Bihar... Bihar wants to be free from such people..."
Rajiv Ranjan, a senior leader of the JDU, criticised Lalu Yadav's comments and said, "Lalu must not know how the people of Bihar tolerated him in the past. These are people with a deplorable mindset. Their true character has now been revealed."