In a step towards good and clean governance, Chief Minister Nitish Kumar along with his other Cabinet ministers on December 31 released the details of assets owned. According to the CM, he has Rs 21052 in cash. There is a deposit of Rs 31,448 in the SBI branch at Patna Secretariat, Rs 3,358 in the SBI branch located at Sansad Bhawan, while there is a deposit of Rs 26,500 in the Punjab National Bank branch located at Boring Road. He also owns an Eco sports car whose value is Rs 11,32,753. He has gold jewellery worth Rs 1 lakh 71 thousand.
In total, he has movable assets worth Rs 16 lakh 97 thousand 741. There is a flat in Delhi, whose current value is Rs 1 crore 48 lakh.
According to disclosures, Bihar Deputy CM, Samrat Choudhary has Rs 6,70,000 in cash, whereas his wife Kumari Mamta has Rs 5,70,000 in cash. Choudhary also owns a rifle worth Rs 4 lakh. He also owns immovable assets worth Rs 8.28 crore. Another DyCM Vijay Kumar Sinha owns immovable assets worth Rs 2.42 crore, whereas his wife owns immovable assets worth Rs 3.32 crore. Sinha, who does not have cash in hand, also owns a revolver worth Rs 77,181.
Other ministers, who have declared their assets, include Sumit Kumar Singh (Science, Technology and Technical Education), Sunil Kumar (Education), Mangal Pandey (Health), Ratnesh Sada (SC/ST Welfare), Leshi Singh (Food and Consumer Protection), Jayant Raj (Building Construction), Neeraj Kumar Singh (Public Health and Engineering), Zama Khan (Minority Welfare), Sheela Kumari (Transport), Madan Sahni (Social Welfare).