Union Minister of Food Processing Industries Chirag Paswan on Monday extended his support to the protesting students in Bihar. Taking to X, Paswan condemned the lathi charge against the students and urged CM Nitish Kumar to intervene in the matter. A student delegation met Bihar government's chief secretary Amritlal Meena on Momday regarding the ongoing protests against Bihar Public Service Commission (BPSC).
Chirag Paswan support BPSC students
Union Minister Paswan assured students of positive results in the near future via his post on X. "I have appealed to the Bihar government and the Hon'ble Chief Minister Shri Nitish Kumar ji for immediate intervention, as a result of which the Chief Secretary (who is the highest official of the government) on behalf of the government has started the process of dialogue with the candidates and students. Soon the fruitful results of this initiative will be seen. This is the result of our government's positive thinking and sensitivity towards the students," he said on X.
Paswan further appealed candidates to keep their issues and demands in a peaceful manner in front of the government. "I also appeal to the candidates to present their issues before the government in a peaceful and constructive manner and avoid getting influenced by any political persons," his post added.
'Not right to use students for political gain'
Chirag Paswan also attacked the opposition parties and said students should not be mislead by anyone for their political gains. "Some political persons and parties are trying to mislead the students, this is wrong. It is not right to use students for political gain. The honorable Chief Minister himself is aware of this matter, the government is trying to help the students in every possible way," his post reads.
Condemns lathi charge
Paswan further condemned the use of water cannon and lathi charge on students that happened on Sunday. He has urged the Chief Minister Nitish Kumar to take action against the police officers who are involved in such atrocities.
"The police should exercise restraint. If students have come out on the streets with their demands, efforts should be made to solve their problems by explaining them in a peaceful manner, and not to use lathicharge and water cannon. I have also told the Chief Minister that legal action should also be taken against those police officers who are found involved in such activities," he said.