Jan Suraaj founder Prashant Kishor's hunger strike over BPSC row at Gandhi Maidan in Patna has entered fourth day on Sunday. While addressing the crowd and media, Kishor attacked the Bihar government and said, "if the government is stubborn to not listen to people, then we are also stubborn to make them budge." BPSC students are protesting against the 70th CCE exam over alleged irregularities.
BPSC protest: Prashant Kishor attacks Bihar govt
Jan Suraaj Founder on Sunday addressed the media and said, "If the government is stubborn to not listen to people, then we are also stubborn to make them budge. We will do whatever it takes, if the life gets in danger, let it be. We are not going to back out. The government will have to take cognisance of people's grievance. Whatever is happening in last 20-25 years in Bihar, we cannot let it continue. It cannot happen that people don't stand here with us."
He further shared his health condition and added, "Doctors are monitoring, I am alright, vitals may have deteriorated, doctors will take care. There is no chance of us leaving this place. If they forcefully take us to police station, then when they will release, we will again come here and sit again."
The 'vanity van' controversy
Controversy erupted on Saturday over a ‘vanity van’ parked close Prashant Kishor's protest site. The vehicle, reportedly with many luxury facilities, is parked a few hundred metres from the site at the historic Gandhi Maidan.
Quizzed by reporters about the presence of the van, he said: “I am on a fast here. If I go home to relieve myself, then journalists will ask questions whether I went to have food or take a nap. Some people said the vanity van is worth Rs 2 crore and the rent for the same is Rs 25 lakh per day. I want to convey this through mediapersons. Let this van be taken away and in return, give me Rs 25 lakh per day and provide an alternate space that can be used as washroom."
(With PTI inputs)