Rashtriya Janata Dal (RJD) leader Tejashwi Yadav on Tuesday announced free electricity upto 200 units for every household if his party comes to power in the Bihar Assembly elections to be held this year in the state. Yadav promised free electricity while addressing a press conference in Kaimur.
"We will provide free electricity upto 200 units for every household. We will increase the pension for senior citizens to Rs 1500 per month and provided employment to 5 lakh people," he said.
Earlier, the RJD leader announced a scheme - 'Maai Behan Maan Yojana' - for women. "If our government is formed in the state, we will start the 'Maai Behan Maan Yojana'... Under the Maai Behan Maan Yojana, we will give Rs 2500 directly to the accounts of our economically weak mothers and sisters. As soon as the government is formed, we will start this scheme within a month," he added.
In new year, Nitish Kumar will be voted out: Tejashwi
Yadav stepped up his attacks against Chief Minister Nitish Kumar, asserting the new year will mark the "departure" of the NDA government in Bihar headed by Kumar.
The former deputy CM, who is now leader of the opposition, said, ""It is too cold. Keep yourselves warm but do not make any wild guesses. The new year will see a new harvest (nai fasal) and a new government that will be sensitive to the people's need for health, education and jobs (padhaai, kamaai, dawaai, sunwai aur karvaayi ki sarkaar)."