Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar is on Pragati Yatra in the state. During this yatra on Wednesday, he unveiled development projects worth Rs 985 crore in Saran district, officials said. CM Nitish virtually inaugurated the newly constructed district government medical college and hospital. The facility is built at a cost of Rs 655 crore. He also laid foundation stones for 52 projects and schemes, the officials added.
As per the statement by the Chief Minister's Office (CMO), the CM inspected the medical college and hospital and chaired a meeting to review the ongoing development schemes in the district. During his visit, Saran DM Aman Sameer gave him a detailed presentation about the ongoing projects and schemes in the district.
The statement read, "The CM was briefed about the ongoing schemes, including Bihar Student Credit Card Scheme, Chief Minister Nishchay Self Help Allowance Scheme, tap water to every house and their maintenance, Chief Minister Rural Solar Street Light scheme, irrigation water to every farm, Chief Minister Agricultural Electricity Connection Scheme, etc. in the district. The meeting was attended by the elected representatives of the district as well."
The statement further added that the CM has instructed officials to "resolve issues raised by the elected representatives in the meeting at the earliest." Meanwhile, CM Nitish also announced the construction of an elevated road on NH-31 from Doriganj to Vishunpura along with redevelopment works around the famous Baba Hariharnath temple in Sonepur sub-division in Saran district.
It must be noted that assembly elections in Bihar are slated for 2025. Ahead of the polls, CM Nitish started his 'Pragati Padyatra' on December 23. Since then he has been travelling to various districts in Bihar while also inaugurating projects. On the first day of his yatra, he unveiled projects worth Rs 752 crore.
(With inputs from agencies)