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Mangal Dosh Upay: If you have Manglik Dosh in your Kundli, then do these remedies

It is believed that if a non-manglik person marries a person who has mangal dosh in his/her kundli, the person might have an unhappy life and the marriage may not work. In some cases the person can also have an untimely death.

Written by: India TV Lifestyle Desk New Delhi Published on: May 25, 2022 19:11 IST
Mangal Dosh
Image Source : FREEPIK

Mangal Dosh

Manglik Dosh is caused due to defect in birth chart. If someone has Manglik Dosh in their kundli, here are some tips on how it can be avoided. Also listed below are some measures that should be taken so that it does not cause any harm and the person leads a happy and healthy life. 

  • If in a marriage both the bride and the groom have Manglik Dosh, then there is no harm due to Mangal Dosh
  • The person is advised to recite Hanuman Chalisa daily
  • Coral gemstone should be worn to decrease the ill effects of Magal Dosh
  • Chola or holy cloth should be offered to Hanuman ji
  • Donating lentils in the temple on Tuesdays is also considered good when a person has Mangal Dosh in his kundli
  • One can also donate sugar 
  • In case if a non-manglik person gets married to someone who has mnagal dosh in their kundli, then the women should visit Vindhyachal and perform Mangla-Gauri Aarti and donate sindoor. By doing this, any kind of trouble on a woman's husband is averted 
  • If the bride is Manglik, she should recite Sundar Kand Path everyday and and wear moonga gemstone. If the groom is Manglik, then the girl should do Kumbh marriage before the actual wedding. In Kumbh marriage, the girl is asked to marry the idol of Lord Vishnu or the Peepal tree, but this thing should always be kept secret.
  • If the boy is getting married to a Manglik girl, then the boy should also get married to a tree and plant. 

It is believed that if a non-manglik person marries a person who has mangal dosh in his/her kundli, the person might have an unhappy life and the marriage may not work. In some cases the person can also have an untimely death. These predictions depend on the persons janam kundli and can be ascertained only after proper analysis 

-- By Vastu Astrology Specialist Pandit Manoj Kumar Mishra

Disclaimer - The views expressed in this article are those of the author. India TV does not confirm its veracity.


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