Capricorn is the zodiac sign that originates from the constellation of Capricornus. It is a horned goat or Mountain goat sing. People who are born between 21st December and 20th January come under this zodiac sign. Capricorn is said to be a very focused and determined sign. People born under this sign are not just loyal but also true friends and companions. They are highly ambitious and prove to be the perfect inspiration for the people around them to maintain a never give up attitude. Do you think you are a typical Capricorn? Check out if you have these dominant personality traits in you-
Responsible, courageous, and hardworking
If you like courage, a sense of responsibility and ambition in your person, get yourself a Capricorn. They never give up and work to perfection. While the world can go easy on them, they never let themselves off the hook. A focus of a Capricorn is unshakable.
Causing a Capricorn to become dissatisfied or unhappy is not a difficult task as they think pessimistically themselves. They are very grounded and practical about things which forced them to see both sides of the coin
Try to change what a Capricorn has put his mind into and you will know how stubborn they are. They also hold high standards for others and value tradition. They have a strict way of thinking and do not change their ways easily.
Devoted but lack emotion
When it comes to love and relationships, Capricorns are strangely devoted but lack emotion. They will be loyal to you but will also be a little stiff and reserved. This often makes them look heartless but that doesn't mean that they are not perfect companions.
Calm and Cool
Since Capricorns are so focused, they hardly lose their cool over small things. They always look at the bigger picture and perceive an attitude that requires them to stay away from drama and emotions.
Witty sense of humour
While Capricorns are a little sensitive, they have a sharp sense of humour. They have an answer to everything and use sarcasm as their mode of quick banter. Some may feel uncomfortable with their witty jokes but this is how Capricorns rule.