News Trending After Tennessee zoo, another spotless giraffe seen in Namibia | PICS

After Tennessee zoo, another spotless giraffe seen in Namibia | PICS

According to the foundation, the giraffe found in Africa is the first ever spotless giraffe found in the wild.

Spotless giraffe spotted in Africa Image Source : GIRAFFECONSERVATION.ORGSpotless giraffe spotted in Africa

Another giraffe has been spotted lacking its distinctive spots in Namibia a month after a baby giraffe at a Tennessee zoo was born without her distinctive spots last month. 

It was believed to be the only animal born without its distinctive mark. 

A press release circulated by the Giraffe Conservation Foundation announced that the second spotless giraffe was found roaming around the Mount Etjo Safari Lodge, a private game reserve in Namibia.

Spotless giraffe found roaming in Namibia's wild.

According to the foundation, the giraffe found in Africa is the first ever spotless giraffe found in the wild. 

According to Julian Fennessy, the foundation's co-founder and director of conservation, said in the news release, "The lack of spots could be caused by genetic mutations or recessive genotype in one or more genes related to the pattern, but without detailed genetic analysis, these are mere speculations."

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