Sony Pictures India on Thursday announced it will back the film adaptation of the popular superhero TV show Shaktimaan. The iconic TV show, which ran on DD National from 1997 till the mid 2000s, featured actor Mukesh Khanna as the titular superhero and his alter ego Pandit Gangadhar Vidhyadhar Mayadhar Omkarnath Shastriji, a geeky photographer at a newspaper. According to the makers, Shaktimaan will be headlined by "one of India's superstars". Khanna is attached as one of the producers through his Bheeshm International.
Shaktimaan movie announcement came as a surprise to many and fond memories from childhood were back for many. Memes on social media started to float and some of them were hilarious. We have compiled the best ones for you here.
The official Twitter account of Sony Pictures India also shared a one-minute announcement video, teasing Gangadhar's iconic specs, his camera and finally the big reveal: the costume of Shaktimaan. The elements from the original show have been retained, like the logo and colour of the costume.
"After the super success of our many superhero films in India and all over the globe, it's time for our desi Superhero! Sony Pictures International Productions is set to bring 'Shaktimaan' to the big screen, and will recreate the magic of the iconic superhero, to be headlined by one of India's superstars.
"We are excited to join hands with Brewing Thoughts Private Limited, and Mukesh Khanna's Bheeshm International. Get ready for #ShatkimaanMovie; more details coming soon. Are you excited?" the tweet read.
Details about the director and other cast are kept under wraps. The series ran for nearly 450 episodes on DD National and had a massive fan following, especially among children. The show also starred Kitu Gidwani and Vaishnavi Mahant as Geeta Vishwas, a reporter who loves Shaktimaan while actor Surendra Pal played the role of Tamraj Kilvish, the main antagonist.
(With PTI inputs)