WhatsApp, the most used texting app in India which has created a wave across the world has been in competition with Telegram. A number of reviews and features state that Telegram comes with better and more useful features if compared to WhatsApp.
Though WhatsApp does not have as many features as Telegram does and usually when compared, it is expected that Whatsapp may get some better upgradation to incorporate the features of Telegram in the upcoming updates.
It is reported recently by WABetaInfo, that Meta is working on a new feature for WhatsApp which has been there on Telegram already.
As per the report, WhatsApp might come up with a new ‘Poll’ feature. The new feature will enable the app to provide end-to-end encryption which will only be applicable on group chats.
The new feature will only enable the group members to poll, and to be able to see it, vote and get the results. We are yet to receive more information about the upcoming feature as WhatsApp is said to be working on it.
It is further stated that the new Poll feature will be introduced to iOS first, and post the first round of rolling out, the version will be made available on the Desktop and Android users.
The Poll feature can be called a the copy of Telegram- as the platform has it for over years now and WhatsApp has just been working on the same to introduce it to the platform, post witnessing the popularity.