Tips to hide unwanted posts on your Instagram feed
Here are steps to remove those unwanted posts from your Instagram feeds. Here are the steps to be followed to stop snoozing the suggested feeds for the next 30 days.

Instagram has recently been receiving a variety of updates along with some suggested posts scrolling automatically on the Instagram page.
The suggested posts are those posts which Instagram pushes on your feeds. They are based on the posts you already follow on a regular basis along with other posts where you have commented or your common connections have liked and as per the popularity of the post.
Sometimes you might like the posts and reels which pops-up on your page, but at times they may not interest you at all, and you, at times, would want to break the cycle and turn off the suggestions made by Instagram. Unfortunately, many do struggle to stop the suggested posts and to help you to escape, we bring to you the step-by-step guide to help you hide these posts from your accounts.
Here are steps to help you hide the suggested posts from your Instagram wall:
- Open the Instagram
- Click on the three dots on the top right corner of the post which you see on the suggested post
- The dots will direct you to not see the posts option
- Now click on the cross icon
(This will stop the suggested posts in the feed)
- Now tap on the snooze button which will stop all posts in the feed for the next 30 days
- Another way to avoid these suggested posts is to click on the ‘Not Interested’ option. This will stop the posts to display on your wall.
- The ‘Not interested’ option is available in the top right corner. You might also include some reasons mentioned
- You may choose the reasons and hide the posts as per your choice.