Telegram CEO Pavel Durov has announced that the platform is coming up with a new feature called ‘Stories’ on the popular messaging app. He revealed that the highly requested feature will be available in early July, catering to the desires of Telegram users. The CEO expressed the users' long-standing interest in having Stories on Telegram, stating that more than half of the feature requests the company receives are related to Stories. With the introduction of this feature, Telegram aims to enhance the user experience and provide a platform for users to share their moments and experiences.
The Stories feature on Telegram will offer users precise control over their story's audience. Users can choose to share their stories with everyone, only their contacts (with exceptions), a select few contacts, or a specific list of Close Friends. Additionally, Telegram will provide the option to hide stories posted by any contact by moving them to the "Hidden" list in the Contacts section, ensuring users have full control over their content.
Talking about the photo and video-editing tools, the new Telegram's Stories feature will allow the users to provide captions for their stories, include links and add context. Users will own the ability to tag other individuals in their stories, further enhancing the interactive aspect of the feature.
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Durov highlighted that Telegram is building on the success of its Video Messages feature by introducing the ability to post photos and videos captured simultaneously by the front and rear cameras. This addition will enable users to create more engaging and dynamic story content.
Furthermore, Telegram Stories will offer users flexibility in terms of story duration. Users can choose when their stories expire, with options of six, 12, 24, or 48 hours. Alternatively, users can opt to permanently display their stories on their profile page, with individual privacy settings for each story.
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Durov also emphasized the benefits that Telegram's channel owners will experience with the new Stories feature. Once the ability to repost messages from channels to stories is launched, it is expected to increase exposure and attract more subscribers to channels. This enhancement will make it easier for content from channels to go viral on the platform.
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With the upcoming release of Stories, Telegram aims to provide its users with a dynamic and interactive way to share their experiences while maintaining control over their privacy and audience. The feature is set to enrich the Telegram messaging experience and cater to the evolving needs of its user base.
Inputs from IANS