News Technology New Google Maps feature to store location history on your device: Know-how

New Google Maps feature to store location history on your device: Know-how

Google’s latest privacy update for Maps is said to enhance the user to control over location data. By shifting the storage to local devices and offering encrypted backups, the tech giant aims to provide users with greater privacy and security.

Google Maps Image Source : FREEPIKGoogle Maps

Google has significantly updated the Maps app’s privacy, focusing on how it handles users’ location data. It was earlier when Maps' location history was stored on Google’s servers, but this is about to change. 

Location history to store locally

The recent announcement, made by Google states that the location history will be saved directly on users' devices, instead of the cloud. 

Furthermore, the location history feature has a new name now, and you will find a ‘Timeline’ feature instead of that. This shift will ensure that all the places which the users visit like the landmarks and restaurants, will remain under their control, data security and enhancing privacy.

Benefits of local storage in Google Maps

By saving the location history in the local storage on the iOS and Android devices, users will no longer need to rely on the cloud servers. This will change several advantages of using the navigation platform, like:

  • Increased privacy- Users will have complete control over their location data.
  • Enhanced security- Data stored on devices is less vulnerable to breach when compared to cloud storage.

End-to-end encrypted cloud backups

For those who are concerned about losing their data, Google will provide end-to-end encrypted cloud backups for the Timeline in Maps. This feature will let the user only access their backup, which will add an extra layer of security.

Google Maps

Changes to web access

One notable change that users might not appreciate is the discontinuation of the web version of Timeline. Earlier, users had the liberty to access their location history via a web interface, but this will no longer be possible anymore. 

The feature will remain functional on Google Maps for Android and iOS devices only.

Notifications and action

As per the report by 9to5Google, Google will notify the users through an email, once the new privacy features are rolled out for the masses. The emails will contain instructions on how to update settings to preserve Timeline data. 

Google has warned that failure to update settings by the specified deadline may result in losing some or all Timeline data, which will include the routes and visits.

About the rollout

The new feature wand update will be rolled out gradually by Google. There is no timeline specified for the rolling out of the update, but it is expected to surface soon. The company has further emphasized the importance of updating settings to save the data from being lost.

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