News Technology NASA and ISRO collaborate to launch NISAR Mission for mapping the globe | Here are the deets

NASA and ISRO collaborate to launch NISAR Mission for mapping the globe | Here are the deets

The NISAR mission is to carry on the promise of significantly advancing our understanding of the earth's dynamics, natural processes and climate change impacts. The collaboration of ISRO and NASA is a remarkable joint effort for international cooperation.

NAS-ISRO team working for NISAR Mission Image Source : NASANAS-ISRO team working for NISAR Mission

Phil Barela who is the Project Manager of NASA NISAR has revealed that ISRO is projecting a launch, but not earlier than January 2024. The launch will take place from Satish Dhawan Space Centre which is located at Sriharikota and will be using the ISRO Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle Mark-II.

NASA and ISRO collaborate to launch NISAR Mission

What will be the mission’s duration and survey frequency?

The NISAR mission will reportedly last for three years, with the main objective to survey land and ice-covered regions of the earth every 12 days. The main goal is to commence the mission in a 90-day satellite commissioning period.

NISAR Mission's aim

What are the pending test and launch preparations before implementing the mission?

There are key tests, which are especially related to vibration, which are pending by the time of writing, as per the reports. 

Mr. Barela (Project Manager of the mission) has further highlighted the ongoing vibration testing and has further emphasized the need for additional performance tests, which include battery and simulation tests, to ensure the system's functionality.


Unprecedented capabilities and extended mission prospects

Dr. Laurie Leshin, who is the Director of NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, has expressed her confidence in the new NISAR project and stated that this will surpass anything which flew in the past. The mission's ability to anticipate and provide a new level of understanding will enable the observation of Earth's changes over the period of multi-year timescales. 

If the mission is a success, then both the space researchers from India and the US will plan to extend the mission further from the decided three-year duration.

NISAR Mission's team

NISAR's main objectives and instruments

NISAR, a Low Earth Orbit (LEO) observatory which has been jointly developed by ISRO and NASA, has aimed to map the entire globe in 12 days. The mission aims to provide constant data for analyzing changes in Earth's ecosystems- like ice mass, sea level rise, vegetation biomass, and other natural hazards.

The NISAR mission is to carry on the promise of significantly advancing our understanding of Earth's dynamics, natural processes and climate change impacts. The collaboration between ISRO and NASA is a remarkable joint effort for international cooperation for space exploration and research.

NAS-ISRO team working for NISAR Mission

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