News Technology Making online payments: Watch out for these 5 signs to avoid scams

Making online payments: Watch out for these 5 signs to avoid scams

As digital transactions have become more common, so have cases of cyber fraud. Cybercriminals are constantly devising new tactics to defraud people. If you engage in digital transactions, be mindful of these 5 precautions.

Scams via digital payments Image Source : FILEScams via digital payments

In recent times, there has been a significant surge in cyber fraud cases in India. This alarming trend can be attributed to the lack of awareness among people using digital payment methods. The National Cyber Crime Reporting Portal has recorded over 9.5 lakh online fraud complaints as of May this year, indicating a substantial increase in the audacity of cyber criminals. However, it's important to note that in many cyber crime cases, individuals themselves are also at fault. Therefore, if you engage in digital or online payments, it's crucial to be aware of the following 5 key points:

1. Digital Arrest Scams - There have been numerous instances of digital arrest scams, where cyber criminals impersonate authorities such as the CBI and threaten individuals with digital arrest via audio-video calls. If you receive such fraudulent calls, it's imperative to disregard them.

2. Work from Home Scams - With the rise of remote work due to the COVID-19 pandemic, cyber criminals have exploited the work from home culture to deceive people and perpetrate scams.

3. KYC Update Fraud - Cyber criminals deceive individuals by posing as legitimate entities and requesting them to update their KYC details through fraudulent calls or messages containing malicious links.

4. False Money Transfer Requests - Another common tactic employed by cyber criminals is to contact individuals and claim that money has been erroneously transferred to their account. They then attempt to persuade the individuals by sending fake messages, ultimately leading them into the cyber criminals' trap.

5. Other Schemes - Cyber criminals also engage in fraudulent activities such as fake stock investments, bogus tax refunds, deceptive credit card transactions, and fake courier address updates. If you are involved in digital or online payments, it's essential to be mindful of these 5 types of fraud.

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