News Technology Google Gemini will not return response on queries related to election in India: Here's why

Google Gemini will not return response on queries related to election in India: Here's why

Google has announced that its Gemini Chatbot will not respond to questions related to the upcoming general election in India. The company has placed restrictions on election-related queries as a precaution, given the importance of the topic.

Google Gemini Election in India Image Source : GOOGLE GEMINI Google Gemini

Google has announced that its Gemini Chatbot will not answer questions related to the upcoming general election in India. As per the company, restrictions on election-related queries are placed out of caution considering the important nature of the topic. 

“ Out of an abundance of caution on such an important topic, we have begun to roll out restrictions on the types of election-related queries for which Gemini will return responses. We take our responsibility for providing high-quality information for these types of queries seriously, and are continuously working to improve our protections,” Google wrote in a blog post

Similar kinds of restrictions were also placed in December in the US and the EU ahead of global elections. A Google spokesperson wrote to Engadget, “As we shared last December, in preparation for the many elections happening around the world in 2024 and out of an abundance of caution, we’re restricting the types of election-related queries for which Gemini will return responses”. 

These restrictions are already in place in India. When I asked Gemini who could win the 2024 general election in India, it replied, “I'm still learning how to answer this question. In the meantime, try Google Search”.

Apart from restrictions imposed on the Gemini chatbot, the company has also highlighted other measures for supporting the election process in India. The company said that it is collaborating with the Election Commission of India to provide “critical voting information” on Google Search and YouTube. 

Google is also using AI models to fight manipulated content, incitement to violence, hate speech, and harassment. It has also placed “strict policies and restrictions around who can run election-related advertising” on its platforms.

Meanwhile, in January, OpenAI, the competitor of Google AI, shared its plans to tackle misinformation related to elections. The strategy emphasises preventing the spread of false information instead of completely stopping the supply. The plan includes implementing stricter guidelines for generating DALL-E 3 images, banning applications that discourage people from voting, and prohibiting the creation of chatbots that impersonate candidates or institutions.

ALSO READ: Google adds new feature to fine-tune Gemini AI's responses: Here's how it works