News Technology WhatsApp new feature: Now no one can add you in group without your consent; rolled for Android users

WhatsApp new feature: Now no one can add you in group without your consent; rolled for Android users

WhatsApp Group Invitation feature will allow users to choose who could add them to a new WhatsApp Group, provided with permission.

WhatsApp Group invitation feature for Android users now available: Tips on how to use it Image Source : PIXABAY/ANTONBEWhatsApp Group invitation feature for Android users now available: Tips on how to use it

WhatsApp Group Invitation feature has started rolling out for Android users that was present in the beta version of the app. This feature is now available on the stable version, wherein users will have an option to choose to add others on the new WhatsApp group.

WhatsApp Group invitation uses

WhatsApp group happen to take a lot of storage and cellular data from devices that direct the user to leave the group, but end up again in the group leading to the same unwanted problem.

With WhatsApp Group invitation feature WhatsApp users will have to take your permission in order to add you in a new WhatsApp group.

Tips on WhatsApp Group Invitation feature:

  • With this users will have a choice as to who could add you to a new WhatsApp group.
  • Users can enable this feature by going to WhatsApp Settings - Account - Privacy - Groups.
  • Once enabled, users will get options of 'My Contacts', 'Everyone' and 'Nobody'.
  • On selecting 'Nobody', no one will be able to add you without your permission.
  • On choosing 'My Contacts', users in the contact list will be able to add you to the group.
  • With this, a new chat will pop up that will have the permission to Accept or Decline in the WhatsApp group.
  • This WhatsApp Group Invitation will only stay for 72 hours and will expire after the time phase gets over.

The new privacy setting of WhatsApp Group Invitation feature will be rolling out today for some users and will be available worldwide in coming weeks on the latest WhatsApp version.