WhatsApp Fake news! WhatsApp will not shut down and won't be chargeable in future
WhatsApp Fake news suggests that WhatsApp will be banned and would shut down 11:30 pm to 6 am daily, directed by the central government, which is nothing but fake news.
WhatsApp, Instagram and Facebook services faced global outage recently where users were facing issues with uploading and sending images on the platform. Later, Facebook went on to clarify that it happened due to the maintenance operation that later got fixed. Followed with the outage, many users started getting fake messages that said WhatsApp was banned and would become chargeable in the future.
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The message was concluded with ‘Thank you — Google’ sign-off to make things look legit. Knowing the WhatsApp is owned by Facebook, it but understood that the message is fake, as WhatsApp has nothing to do directly with Google.
Some messages also claim that WhatsApp will be banned and would shut down 11:30 pm to 6 am daily, which again is false. User should not take such articles seriously and in fact alert them from spreading the misinformation.
Another similar image suggests that WhatsApp would shut down every day from 11:30 pm to 6 am and has been directed by the central government, followed with the message by PM Narendra Modi.
The message further urges users to forward the message or else the account would get deactivated and will be charged as well.
To this, neither WhatsApp nor the central government or Google for that matter have said anything officially, which clearly indicates that the news is nothing but fake news.
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