After Telegram, the secure messaging app Signal has now added mainstream chat features like WhatsApp to lure more users onto its platform, as the debate rages on the upcoming data privacy policy by the Facebook-owned platform.
The new features are being rolled out for both iOS (5.3.1) and Android (5.3.7) devices, which will offer chat wallpapers, animated stickers, and an "About" section in your profile.
The new Signal features were first spotted by Android Police. The beta update had 24 animated stickers.
iPhone users will also see a new setting to lower data usage during calls, an option to automatically pause attachment downloads during calls, and improved image compression among other enhancements.
Encrypted messaging app Telegram has also added a functionality to import your WhatsApp chat history on iOS platform, as it sees a surge in new users.
On iOS devices, the feature has arrived with version 7.4.1. The update has not appeared on Android devices yet. The WhatsApp chat import process works for both individual and group conversations.
Telegram has seen a significant uptake in new users as WhatsApp's new Terms of Service and Privacy Policy trigged a fresh data sharing debate. It has crossed 525 million users.
Signal, however, does not disclose user numbers but third-party data from Sensor Tower revealed that from January 6 to January 10, Signal saw approximately 7.5 million installs globally -- a massive 4,200 per cent increase from the previous week.
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