News Technology Instagram to show ads in IGTV videos and pay influencers like YouTube

Instagram to show ads in IGTV videos and pay influencers like YouTube

Instagram will now provide creators with an opportunity to earn via the platform. Read on to know more

instagram, instagram influencers, igtv, instagram igtv, igtv videos, instagram igtv ads, instagram i Image Source : PIXABAYIGTV videos were launched in 2018

Instagram is adding new changes to its vertical-format IGTV videos platform. The new changes will allow Instagram influencers to earn money via IGTV videos since influenced marketing is one of the growing sectors globally. Read on to know as to how Instagram plans to do so.

Instagram will let influencers earn money

Instagram will now start showing adverts in IGTV videos and will provide some part of the revenue earned to the influencers. This setup will be similar to the way YouTube works and allows YouTubers to earn money.

Starting next week, ads in IGTV videos will show up when users will choose to watch the videos from the IGTV preview. The ads will be in the video format and will be 15-second long meant to work well for smartphones. IGTV ads will initially available in the US with limited number of advertisers. It will eventually roll out to more places for more creators to earn money. In addition to this, creators are expected to get 55% of the total revenue earned per video, as per the industry standard. Instagram will also test various features for ads such as the ability to skip them and more.

Another feature introduced is the Badges in Live videos. Since the live videos on Instagram have increased, people watching the live sessions by creators can buy badges next during the videos, which will act as a source of income for influencers. The badges will be placed next to a user's name and users can tap on it to make their contributions.

Additionally, users will get additional perks of buying a badge such as a mention in the badge-holder list and special heart access. Badges will start rolling out next month and will slowly expand across the US, Brazil, UK, Germany, France, Italy, Turkey, Spain, and Mexico.

Furthermore, Instagram will expand the recently-announced Live Shopping feature to more influencers soon. Live Shopping allows people to tag stuff they want to sell during a live video. Access to Brand Collabs Manager will also reach more creators so that they can get in touch with more brands.

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