News Technology Coronavirus threat: Avoid opening these 14 fake Coronavirus websites

Coronavirus threat: Avoid opening these 14 fake Coronavirus websites

Coronavirus outbreak has initiated security threats related to it. Read on to know why shouldn't open these websites

coronavirus, coronavirus threat, coronavirus outbreak, coronavirus alert, coronavirus effect, corona Image Source : PIXABAYDo not go for fake, malicious Coronavirus websites

Coronavirus is spreading with a great pace and with this, fake news and a threat to people's security is also becoming a problem. Several Coronavirus-related scams are surfacing and fake news has found a new way to spread. A new study by a security research firm has suggested that there some Coronavirus websites that shouldn't be accessed since they offer fake news and misinformation about Coronavirus. Read on to know more about it.

Do not access these Coronavirus websites

As per a security research firm Recorded Future, there are a couple of fake websites (around 14 of them) that are being registered. The websites aren't a source of providing relief but misinformation on Coronavirus and we must avoid referring to them and using them. Here are the 14 websites you must avoid using:


The list also involves malicious coronavirus websites as well that can cause hackers to hack users on the pretext of Coronavirus. Another report by Recorded Future suggests that a number of malicious activities have been taking place as cybercriminals are encashing on the Coronavirus outbreak.

To remain safe from this, you should ensure that you only look for Coronavirus-related information via official and reliable sources only and not fall for such traps.

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