Samsung has recently revealed a new wearable device. The upcoming extended reality (XR) headset from the Korean tech giant was showcased during Google's presentation of its new Android XR operating system, designed for mixed reality headsets and augmented reality (AR) glasses. The headset, codenamed Project Moohan, will support Google's Gemini AI assistant and will include apps optimized for a large virtual display. It is expected to launch next year, competing directly with the Apple Vision Pro and Meta Quest 3.
Samsung Moohan XR headset India launch
The Moohan XR headset, which translates to "infinity" in Korean, operates on Android XR, Google's new platform that incorporates features for AR, virtual reality (VR), and artificial intelligence (AI). Google has announced that it will be the first device to feature Android XR upon its release next year, though specific details regarding the release timeline and pricing have not been disclosed by either company.
Samsung Moohan XR headset specifications
Samsung indicates that the Moohan XR headset will incorporate advanced display technology, passthrough capabilities, and support for multi-modal input. In comparison, the Apple Vision Pro is equipped with Micro-OLED displays, offering a per-eye resolution of 3,660 × 3,200 pixels.
The inclusion of Android XR suggests compatibility with new functionalities showcased by Google, including gesture-based Circle to Search, video and photo viewing on a virtual display through Google TV and Google Photos, and web browsing using Google Chrome. Additional features may include live translation of text visible to the wearer and immersive views of various locations via Google Maps.
Samsung first hinted at the development of an XR headset during its Galaxy Unpacked event in 2023, when the Galaxy S23 series of smartphones was unveiled. At that time, the company announced a partnership with Google and Qualcomm for the creation of its first XR headset.
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