At least 4 CSK players involved in IPL fixing, claims Lalit Modi
New Delhi: Former Indian Premier League (IPL) commissioner Lalit Modi claimed at least 4 Chennai Super Kings (CSK) players were 'involved in fixing'."So here is my breaking story - if the honorable Supreme Court was
New Delhi: Former Indian Premier League (IPL) commissioner Lalit Modi claimed at least 4 Chennai Super Kings (CSK) players were 'involved in fixing'.
"So here is my breaking story - if the honorable Supreme Court was to reveal the names of players involved in fixing - at least 4 are CSK," he tweeted yesterday.
He said that both Indian and international players were involved in fixing.
"By the way the names when disclosed have both Indian and international players names on the list. This list is just tip off iceberg," his tweet reads.
"What say BCCI, ICC, IPL or you going to say names cannot be revealed? And make a drama. As you all have your hands dirty. Let's see if you do," he said in another tweet.
He further said that a lot of money was involved in betting on IPL games and asked the media to wake up and probe into this.
"I have been saying for years - wake up media fellows it's more like 9000- 10,000 crores per game. Why do u think monster is trying to stay put on his chair? That's where he gets his raw material to fund his buying of votes, politicians, players," Modi tweeted.
IPL is in its eighth 8th edition this year. CSK have won the tournament twice.