Makarasana, mainly known as Crocodile Pose, is very helpful in relaxation of the lower back and useful during back problems and orthopaedic ailments. It is good for Asthmatics and people who have any other lung ailments.
Setubandhasana is demonstrated as in formation of a bridge, Stretches the chest, neck, spine and hips. It strengthens the lower back muscles. It helps to Calms the brain and central nervous system which helps alleviate stress and mild depression.
Pavanmuktasana mainly reffered as Wind-Relieving Pose gives relief from constipation and also improves the digestive system. With pavanmuktasana, lower back is strengthened, the neck and back is stretched. It also helps remove flab from the back and abdomen. It results in better performance of the Circulatory system.
Savasana is performed for deep relaxtion of the mind and the body. It helps in management of stress. Savasana is also known as Corpse pose. No Yoga Session can be completed without the Corpse Pose, it is the body's time to process information after the yoga session.
Anuloma Viloma
Anuloma viloma is very beneficial for the body, adding a sense of transquility, improving concentration and reducing stress. It results in purifying the principal channels of energy. It nourishes the whole body and eradicates cough disorders.