UP Assembly adjourned sine-die
Lucknow,Jul3:The Uttar Pradesh assembly today adjourned sine-die after a budget session which had 21 sittings.“This session, spanned over three months, was historic in which we saw a total sitting of 138 hours in 21 days,
Lucknow,Jul3:The Uttar Pradesh assembly today adjourned sine-die after a budget session which had 21 sittings.
“This session, spanned over three months, was historic in which we saw a total sitting of 138 hours in 21 days, without any adjournment,” Vidhan Sabha Speaker Mata Prasad Pandey said later.
During the session, members took part in discussions on various topics like Governor's address, budget, income-expenditure and other issues, Pandey said, thanking the opposition for playing a constructive role during the entire session.
The session which started with noisy scenes with BSP members creating pandemonium on the first sitting on May 28 ran smoothly thereafter.
Leader of Opposition Swami Prasad Maurya (BSP) said party supremo Mayawati had asked them not to rush into the well of the House when raising issues related to people's problems during the proceedings.
“She should also be given credit for the smooth conduct of the House.
Without oppositions' support, the House couldn't run smoothly,” Maurya said.
Congress member Pramod Tiwari, BJP leader Hukum Singh and Peace Party leader Ayub Khan also praised the efforts of the government in running the House.
Chief Minister Akhilesh Yadav said after a long gap, his government tried to restore the democratic tradition by helping run the House for such a long period spanning three months.