Uddhav snubbed Raj Thackeray at Balasaheb's funeral
Mumbai, Nov 19: Shiv Sena executive president Uddhav Thackeray reportedly snubbed cousin Raj Thackeray at the funeral of party supremo Bal Thackeray, when the latter was not allowed to be a pallbearer at Matoshree residence.

Mumbai, Nov 19: Shiv Sena executive president Uddhav Thackeray reportedly snubbed cousin Raj Thackeray at the funeral of party supremo Bal Thackeray, when the latter was not allowed to be a pallbearer at Matoshree residence.
Reports said Raj Thackeray then decided to walk ahead of the flower bedecked truck carryig Balasaheb's mortal remains, hoping that cousi Uddhav would join him in the walk upto Shiv Sena Bhavan, to show to Shiv Sainiks that both were united in their grief, but Uddhav decided to sit on the truck alongwith his family members.
As a result, Raj Thackeray left the funeral procession in a huff and sitting in his car went home. He appeared late afternoon at Shivaji Park where the cremation was to take place.
Reports said Raj Thackeray then decided to walk ahead of the flower bedecked truck carryig Balasaheb's mortal remains, hoping that cousi Uddhav would join him in the walk upto Shiv Sena Bhavan, to show to Shiv Sainiks that both were united in their grief, but Uddhav decided to sit on the truck alongwith his family members.
As a result, Raj Thackeray left the funeral procession in a huff and sitting in his car went home. He appeared late afternoon at Shivaji Park where the cremation was to take place.