Rare pics of BJP leader Arun Jaitley, Union Minister for Finance and Defence
New Delhi: Arun Jaitley is Union cabinet Minister in Narendra Modi government who is handling the responsibilities of two ministries - Finance and Defence. He was also a minister in Vajpayee led NDA government and
There is no indication of steps to translate this concern into action. Price rise can't be tackled by cliché.”
On another occasion he commented on Failure of the Government under Congress regime -“The single largest failure of the government is the mismanagement of food prices. The government must act or otherwise it must perish.”
Arun Jaitley's words for the former PM-“If the prime minister was in the know of it, then he is equally culpable. If he was not aware, then it is for him to introspect as to what kind of government he is running.”
Arun having some fun time playing cricket
Arun with his kid having a fun meal
Arun with his son
Arun with his newly wedded wife Sangeeta on their wedding day
Arun during his college days as the president of Student Union at Delhi University
Arun as a kid
Arun as a kid with his two sisters
Arun as a kid with his mother