Rajnath blames SP for Muzaffarnagar riots
New Delhi/Lucknow: Whenever the Samajwadi Party (SP) comes to power, "a series of communal riots begin in Uttar Pradesh", said BJP president Rajnath Singh Saturday after he called off his visit to violence-hit Muzaffarnagar district."If
Singh said the situation in Muzaffarnagar is like during the period of emergency, and said BJP leaders will meet President Pranab Mukherjee Sep 24.
"We have asked for president's time so that we can give him the real details of the situation," said Singh.
He also said BJP legislators were not in any way involved in inciting violence when communal riots broke out in Muzaffarnagar Sep 7, leaving 48 dead and over 40,000 homeless.
"We have asked for president's time so that we can give him the real details of the situation," said Singh.
He also said BJP legislators were not in any way involved in inciting violence when communal riots broke out in Muzaffarnagar Sep 7, leaving 48 dead and over 40,000 homeless.