PM to visit violence-hit Muzaffarnagar as peace returns
Muzaffarnagar/New Delhi: Prime Minister Manmohan Singh will Monday visit Uttar Pradesh's violence-hit Muzaffarnagar district where curfew was relaxed Saturday as peace returned."The prime minister will visit Muzaffarnagar Sep 16," an official from the Prime Minister's
In Bihar, a state which is abutting Uttar Pradesh, Chief Minister Nitish Kumar asked the state police to use the National Security Act against any one trying to create communal tension in the state.
A day after Janata Dal-United (JD-U) president Sharad Yadav said attempts could be made to foment communal riots in Bihar before the 2014 general elections, Nitish Kumar ordered police to be more vigilant against communal strife.
Anti-riot squads should be properly trained to deal with such situations, he said.
Police has also decided to impart special training to anti-riot teams of the Rapid Action Force.
A day after Janata Dal-United (JD-U) president Sharad Yadav said attempts could be made to foment communal riots in Bihar before the 2014 general elections, Nitish Kumar ordered police to be more vigilant against communal strife.
Anti-riot squads should be properly trained to deal with such situations, he said.
Police has also decided to impart special training to anti-riot teams of the Rapid Action Force.