PM to visit violence-hit Muzaffarnagar as peace returns
Muzaffarnagar/New Delhi: Prime Minister Manmohan Singh will Monday visit Uttar Pradesh's violence-hit Muzaffarnagar district where curfew was relaxed Saturday as peace returned."The prime minister will visit Muzaffarnagar Sep 16," an official from the Prime Minister's
Muzaffarnagar/New Delhi: Prime Minister Manmohan Singh will Monday visit Uttar Pradesh's violence-hit Muzaffarnagar district where curfew was relaxed Saturday as peace returned.
"The prime minister will visit Muzaffarnagar Sep 16," an official from the Prime Minister's Office (PMO) told IANS Saturday, adding details of the visit are being worked out.
Three days of violence have left 47 dead in Muzaffarnagar and adjoining areas while over 43,000 people were rendered homeless. Clashes took place last weekend after simmering discontent following the harassment of a young woman Aug 27 in a village in Muzaffarnagar district.
The prime minister had expressed deep anguish over the loss of lives in the violence.
He had announced compensation of Rs.200,000 to the kin of each of those killed in communal clashes.
"The prime minister will visit Muzaffarnagar Sep 16," an official from the Prime Minister's Office (PMO) told IANS Saturday, adding details of the visit are being worked out.
Three days of violence have left 47 dead in Muzaffarnagar and adjoining areas while over 43,000 people were rendered homeless. Clashes took place last weekend after simmering discontent following the harassment of a young woman Aug 27 in a village in Muzaffarnagar district.
The prime minister had expressed deep anguish over the loss of lives in the violence.
He had announced compensation of Rs.200,000 to the kin of each of those killed in communal clashes.