PM, Sonia, Rahul visit riot-hit Muzaffaranagar
New Delhi: Prime Minister Manmohan Singh along with Congress president Sonia Gandhi reached Uttar Pradesh's violence-hit Muzaffarnagar district on Monday.“Perpetrators of riots will be given strict punishment,” Dr. Singh said after visiting riot-affected Bassi Kalan
New Delhi: Prime Minister Manmohan Singh along with Congress president Sonia Gandhi reached Uttar Pradesh's violence-hit Muzaffarnagar district on Monday.
“Perpetrators of riots will be given strict punishment,” Dr. Singh said after visiting riot-affected Bassi Kalan in Muzaffarnagar. “Our priority and efforts would be that people displaced are sent back home.”
As many as 48 people were killed in the riots in the western town of Muzaffarnagar. More than 43,000 people have been displaced and are currently taking shelter in 38 relief camps.
“Perpetrators of riots will be given strict punishment,” Dr. Singh said after visiting riot-affected Bassi Kalan in Muzaffarnagar. “Our priority and efforts would be that people displaced are sent back home.”
As many as 48 people were killed in the riots in the western town of Muzaffarnagar. More than 43,000 people have been displaced and are currently taking shelter in 38 relief camps.