PM Modi greets Jayalalithaa
Chennai: Prime Minister Narendra Modi today greeted AIADMK supremo J Jayalalithaa, who was acquitted in a disproportionate assets case by the Karnataka High Court."Honourable Prime Minister Narendra Modi spoke to Puratchi Thalaivi Amma (Revolutionary Leader-Amma)
Chennai: Prime Minister Narendra Modi today greeted AIADMK supremo J Jayalalithaa, who was acquitted in a disproportionate assets case by the Karnataka High Court.
"Honourable Prime Minister Narendra Modi spoke to Puratchi Thalaivi Amma (Revolutionary Leader-Amma) and extended his greetings," an AIADMK release said.
Modi and Jayalalithaa are said to enjoy cordial relations with the former attending her swearing-in ceremony as Tamil Nadu Chief Minister in 2011. The AIADMK supremo returned the favour by attending his swearing-in ceremony as Gujarat Chief Minister the next year.
Jayalalithaa was acquitted by the Karnataka High Court in the Rs 66.65 crore disproportionate assets case, quashing a special court order convicting her to four years in prison and imposing a fine of Rs 100 crore on her in the case.