Patna blasts an act of terror: Rajnath Singh
New Delhi: Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) president Rajnath Singh Monday said he believed the serial blasts in Patna were an act of terror."The kind of incident that happened in Patna, I believe it is due
He added that Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar called him Sunday night and assured him that action will be taken.
Party leader Shahnawaz Hussain said the Bihar government failed to follow its "Rajya Dharma" (State duty).
"It's the duty of the government to provide security to all rallies, regardless of party organising it. Bihar government failed to follow its 'Rajya Dharma'," he said.
Party leader Shahnawaz Hussain said the Bihar government failed to follow its "Rajya Dharma" (State duty).
"It's the duty of the government to provide security to all rallies, regardless of party organising it. Bihar government failed to follow its 'Rajya Dharma'," he said.