Patna blasts an act of terror: Rajnath Singh
New Delhi: Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) president Rajnath Singh Monday said he believed the serial blasts in Patna were an act of terror."The kind of incident that happened in Patna, I believe it is due
New Delhi: Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) president Rajnath Singh Monday said he believed the serial blasts in Patna were an act of terror.
"The kind of incident that happened in Patna, I believe it is due to terrorist activities," Rajnath Singh said Monday.
"The incident is unfortunate, certainly there were intelligence and security lapses, because of which the incident occurred," he said.
"The kind of incident that happened in Patna, I believe it is due to terrorist activities," Rajnath Singh said Monday.
"The incident is unfortunate, certainly there were intelligence and security lapses, because of which the incident occurred," he said.