Nitish Kumar announces liquor ban in Bihar
Patna: Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar on Thursday announced that liquor will be banned in Bihar from April 1, 2016.“Govt is formulating policies and laws to ban liquor in the state from April 1 2016,”
Patna: Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar on Thursday announced that liquor will be banned in Bihar from April 1, 2016.
“Govt is formulating policies and laws to ban liquor in the state from April 1 2016,” Kumar said at an official event here
He also lauded the efforts made by women who launched the campaign
“Women in the state started an anti-liquor campaign, I really appreciated that,” he said.
He also promised rewards for villages which will help the state government in its campaign against liquor.
Kumar also warned that black marketers who will try to sell it illegally, will be dealth with strongly.
He said,”I know ppl will say that even after banning liquor it will be sold illegally, If it happens then we will deal with that strongly.”