Interesting quotes of Narendra Modi from his three-nation-tour in November 2014
Wherever Prime Minister Modi goes, he gets mammoth fan following, no wonder even his rivals call him the ‘pied piper'. Euphoria of Modi's rockstar reception at the United States of America had barely hushed up
30. “Research is the mother of development”
31. “Those who believe in humanity must come together. We should also reject any linkage between religion and terrorism”
32. “ASEAN's success is an inspiration for broader integration in the Asia-Pacific region. India has great confidence in Asian centrality and leadership in pursuing that goal.”
33. “It is my good fortune that I'm the first prime minister of India to be born post-1947”
34. “This welcome. This respect. This enthusiasm l dedicate it to the people of India (in Allphones Arena, Australia)”
35. “Modi is not the person to receive this honour. 1.25 billion people are the one who must be given this love, respect. I humbly submit this to the children of mother India.”