Modi pays homage to Lord Buddha
New Delhi: BJP's prime ministerial candidate Narendra Modi Wednesday paid homage to Lord Buddha."On Buddha Purnima, we bow to the venerable Lord Buddha whose teachings have guided the entire humanity for centuries," the Bharatiya Janata
New Delhi: BJP's prime ministerial candidate Narendra Modi Wednesday paid homage to Lord Buddha.
"On Buddha Purnima, we bow to the venerable Lord Buddha whose teachings have guided the entire humanity for centuries," the Bharatiya Janata Party leader said in a tweet.
"We pledge our commitment to world peace, non-violence and service to humankind, ideals that were very close to Lord Buddha," he added.
"On Buddha Purnima, we bow to the venerable Lord Buddha whose teachings have guided the entire humanity for centuries," the Bharatiya Janata Party leader said in a tweet.
"We pledge our commitment to world peace, non-violence and service to humankind, ideals that were very close to Lord Buddha," he added.