Budget lacks roadmaps: Manmohan Singh
New Delhi: Former prime minister Manmohan Singh Thursday said the 2014-15 union budget presented by Finance Minister Arun Jaitley lacked roadmaps for achieving its objectives."Just like the railway budget, there are no specifics in this
New Delhi: Former prime minister Manmohan Singh Thursday said the 2014-15 union budget presented by Finance Minister Arun Jaitley lacked roadmaps for achieving its objectives.
"Just like the railway budget, there are no specifics in this budget...there are no roadmaps," he said in a reaction to the budget.
Congress president Sonia Gandhi said it was a mere continuation of United Progressive Alliance (UPA) government schemes.
"There is nothing new, they have merely continued our schemes," she said.
Congress vice president Rahul Gandhi called the budget a laundry list of Rs.100 crore.
"The budget is just a laundry list of Rs. 100 crore proposals and is all about usurping UPA government ideas," he said.
"It will not quicken the economic pulse, in fact, it will slow it down," he said.
"Just like the railway budget, there are no specifics in this budget...there are no roadmaps," he said in a reaction to the budget.
Congress president Sonia Gandhi said it was a mere continuation of United Progressive Alliance (UPA) government schemes.
"There is nothing new, they have merely continued our schemes," she said.
Congress vice president Rahul Gandhi called the budget a laundry list of Rs.100 crore.
"The budget is just a laundry list of Rs. 100 crore proposals and is all about usurping UPA government ideas," he said.
"It will not quicken the economic pulse, in fact, it will slow it down," he said.